Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vitamin D3 and Calcium to Prevent Hip Fractures in Elderly Women
This newspaper article explains that by having an intake of vitamin D3 and Calcium that elderly women can preven hip fractures by 43%. The women who took the calcium and the vitamin D3 were able to make their bone density a lot stronger and were able to handle more pressures on their bones.


  1. I was wondering as to what type of loading the elderly women had that classified as "pressures" they were able to handle? Were they weight bearing, walking, etc? As we know, a combination of adequate vitamin intake and exercise can also help our bones, so how exactly did they distinguish which was the cause for the found effect?

  2. Good question Mel! I was also wondering what the definition of "elderly" was according to this study? Postmenopausal women can be anywhere from 50 on up.
